Adobe Flash might be playing in other tabs or webpages in your browser.In case your browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari, etc.) stops responding or starts slowing down and freezing when you use it for your website, or as a way to play interactive games, then you can try out these tests and fixes: If you want to run Adobe Flash content on your site temporarily, then click on “Allow once” so the software may start running on your webpage.This will then tell you that Flash Player content has been blocked, and will not show up on your page and Click on the puzzle piece icon found on the top right-hand side of the address bar.While using Microsoft Edge, go to the Web page that isn’t correctly loading Flash content.If you want to perform an Adobe Flash test to ensure that it’s running properly in Microsoft Edge, then here’s how you do it:

Finally, click “Use Adobe Flash Player” to toggle it on.You can locate it under the “Advanced Settings” header and Find “View Advanced Settings” and click on it.Click “Settings.” You can find it at the bottom of the menu On the top right-hand corner, click on “…”.Power on your PC and click on the Microsoft Edge icon in your desktop.Installing Adobe Flash Player for Microsoft Edge (formerly Internet Explorer) What's the difference between Adobe Flash Player vs Adobe Animate CC?.Step By Step Guide for Installing Adobe Flash Plug-in in Ubuntu.How to Update Adobe Flash Player in Windows 10.How to Install and Troubleshoot Adobe Flash Player in Windows 10.How to Fix Flash Player in Google Chrome.Steps to Troubleshoot Flash Player on Windows 8.Installing Adobe Flash Player for Microsoft Edge (formerly Internet Explorer).